The government is a Parliamentary republic, a style of democratic governance that entails four branches of the government.
The Executive, the Legislature, the Judiciary and the Panchayat Raj (Self governance).
as well as a,
Constitutional republic and is governed by the Constitution of India. (constitutionalism in that it describes and prescribes both the source and the limits of government power).
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The Republic of India is a Union of States and Union Territories, a Federal, Soveriegn, Socialist, and a Secular Democratic Republic.
The Republic was established on January 26, 1950 and is governed by the laws laid out in Constitution of India. The Constitution is a living document, any changes to existing Articles, parts, schedules and laws are made through amendments.
The Parliament of India has the power, by law to include territories into the Union and or change the boundaries of existing states.
The country is governed by the laws laid out in Constitution of India. The constitution is a living document, any changes to existing Articles, parts, schedules and laws are made through amendments. These amendments have to be approved by the parliament. read more .. (Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India).
RTI - Right to information Act
The Republic is Federal in structure and follows a Parliamentary form of governance.
The Parliamentary nature of the Democratically government of India, allows for an elected body to serve together with an appointed beauracracy to govern the affairs of the country and the states.
This allows for the legislative as well as the adminstrative powers to be split between the center and the states.
The exclusivity of legislative power between the Union and the States, are exercised based on items, which are divided into three lists.
These are the Union list, the State list and the Concurrent List.
read more .. (Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India).
India is a Union of States and Union Territories.
The Parliament of India has the power, by law to include territories into the Union and or change the boundaries of existing states.
The country is governed by the laws laid out in Constitution of India.
The constitution is a living document, any changes to existing Articles, parts, schedules and laws are made through amendments.
These amendments have to be approved by the parliament.
read more .. (Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India).